[ Cornerstone: Off The Beaten Path ]

Cornerstone: Welcome!

Day 1: The Arrival!

Day 2: Digging In

Day 3: Fireworks!

Day 4: Hustle!

Day 5: Farewell...


Art Explosion

It's more than a music party -- Tucked behind the underground tent is Cornerstone's ArtRageous and Imaginarium exhibits. Authors, painters, and others of a creative bent can enjoy conferences, discussion, and great coffee. The midnight film festival was cool, too...


Best Finds of the Fest

So much music, so little time... Sob! Here's a peek at some of the cool stuff I stumbled across over the course of the festival. Some oldies and some fresh stuff -- no matter what the genre, it's hot stuff.


The Squeaky Files

Follow the adventures of Squeaky the Duck on his adventures at the fest. From his near-death experience at the hands of Kevin131 to a DC Talk sighting, he's been almost everywhere.


Cool Hair

Well, T-shirts, too. Cornerstone is a great place to find a variety of wacky hairstyles, and most of the owners are good natured sorts who're quite willing to offer their coifs for a good cause -- this page, for one!


We're Geeks, Not Nerds

What do you get when you put a bunch of music-obsessed usenet junkies in one place? Vibrating hairrushes. That's what. The fourth annual RMC Cornerstone picnic is here, captured in bits and bytes for all of posterity...


Oh, Oh... Stayin' Alive!

Whether it's beating the heat, finding munchies, or selecting that perfect camping site, there's someone who's been through it and has some words of wisdom to offer. Recorded here for posterity are essential Cornerstone survival skills.


Jason and I once decided that Cornerstone is the only place you can get a new hair color via osmosis -- there's that much dye floating around. Add to that the oodles of T-shirts, fur-trimmed jeans, vinyl outfits, and assorted wacky attire... Needless to say, Cornerstone's distinctive look is eclectic.