Hot Stuff

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What *is* this order, you ask? Simply put, it is a conglomeration of individuals who feel that the popularized notions of romance -- especially as embodied in dating and courting and such things -- are not necessarily beneficial. Members of the OoTCC must be refraining from romantic relationships for altruistic motives -- to better be a friend to members of the opposite sex, to better prepare for a later romantic relationship, etc. Lack of opportunity is accepted as a contributor to the non-romance stance, but it cannot be the primary motive.

In case anyone was wondering, members of the OoTCC are allowed to like members of the opposite sex; we're monks, not eunuchs! We simply keep in mind that acting on those feelings would not be caring for the object of those feelings -- at the present time. Remember what the "T" stands for -- the monkish lifestyle is only temporary! Founding members include the kumquat himself, and Jason, the kumquat's bud and co-monk. For more information, write to The Abbot.

[Coming Soon]

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