Hot Stuff

[ misc memes ]

The obvious question for many, upon clicking, might be, "So, what's a meme, anyhow?"

according to the Jargon File...

  • Meme: meem/ [coined by analogy with `gene', by Richard Dawkins] n. An idea considered as a replicator, esp. with the connotation that memes parasitize people into propagating them much as viruses do. Used esp. in the phrase 'meme complex' denoting a group of mutually supporting memes that form an organized belief system, such as a religion.

So what, one might ask, are memes doing on this web page?

Simple question, simple answer: this page is a greenhouse, a display pen, a zoo, if you will, for notable memes, plucked from the ether of the net, culled from literature, and created from scratch over late-night cans of Mountain Dew. Browse, enjoy, and ponder for yourself.

Good does not require evil, as light does not require dark. Contrast is not dependence.

Good is a positive that exists in and of itself; though our perception of it may be clarified by comparison with evil, good does not depend on evil for its existance.

To say that the two depend on each other may be a trendy adaptation of classic yin/yang balance concepts, but it leads to an erronious -- and dangerous -- blurring of the lines between objective good and evil. Just as a lit room is light, whether or not the closet in the corner is dark, good would still be objectively good and positive, were evil not to exist. Though there would be no source for comparison, the issue would be human perception, rather than objective reality.

lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for the trickster and catch him at the first attempt, but beware of an honest man. An interesting Somali proverb points out 'handles' that open us for manipulation. Those dark sides that we exploit can become chinks in armor as well...

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