"Powered By Kumquats"

Is your web site interesting and wacky? Do you want everyone to know it? If so, read on. The Kumquat has created the "Powered By Kumquats" logo and license program so that you can easily and proudly tell the world that your page is engaging and fun.

To register for the "Powered By Kumquats" program, please complete the following steps:

  1. Read the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.
  2. Complete the form with your name, address, and the URL of the location where you'll be using the "Powered By Kumquats" artwork.
  3. Submit the form. After you click the "Submit" button, you are permitted to use the "Powered By Kumquats" artwork and incorporate it into your page.
Within a few days of receiving your completed form, we will check the URL you have provided to verify that you are using the "Powered By Kumquats" artwork. Once we have confirmed your use of the artwork, we will complete the registration process and (possibly) include a link to your page on the Official Kumquat Kuriosity Home Page O' Fun.

"Powered By Kumquats" License Agreement

Thank you for choosing Kumquats to add flavor and fun to your web site. We appreciate your support, and will be happy to grant you a non-exclusive, zero-cost license to use the "Powered By Kumquats" graphic image in your Web site, provided that you agree to the following conditions:
  1. You may not alter the artwork supplied by us in any way, with the exception of converting it to the graphic file format that meets your needs.

  2. You must use the entire artwork as supplied by us, including all links and notices. You may not excerpt from the artwork supplied by us (for example, you may not copy portions of the artwork and use them elsewhere).

  3. Each usage of the artwork in your site must be linked to a specified location on The Kumquat's web site; you may not use the artwork as a static image, or link it to any location other than that specified by us.

    When a user clicks on the "Powered By Kumquats" logo, your Web site must connect the user to The Kumquat's "Powered By Kumquats" web page via the following URL: http://miso.wwa.com/~eaton.

    The Artwork

  4. The artwork may only be used in and displayed by an HTML page accessible via the World Wide Web. You may not use the artwork in printed literature, software, or any other material. (If you wish to do so, please contact The Kumquat directly.)

  5. You grant The Kumquat the right to list the name of your company (or your name, if you are an individual) in a list of Web sites, displayed at The Kumquat's Web site. (This list will bear a disclaimer that the names listed are for informational purposes only, and that inclusion in the listing does not constitute an endorsement by you or your company.)

  6. The artwork contains trademarks and/or service marks owned by The Kumquat Kuriosity, and you agree not to use the artwork in a manner inconsistent with The Kumquat's ownership of these trademarks.

  7. The license to use the artwork may be terminated at any time, at our sole discretion, in the event that any of the terms and conditions in this license have been violated. In addition, you agree that The Kumquat may inspect your Web site from time to time to ensure that you are using the artwork in a manner consistent with this agreement. You also agree that if we are dissatisfied with your use of the artwork, you will remove the artwork from your Web site at our request, or correct your usage of the artwork to comply with this agreement.

  8. You must complete and submit the registration form below.

  9. The Kumquat grants no other rights in connection with the artwork. Use of the artwork other than that provided for in this agreement is infringement. The Kumquat does not warrant that the artwork is suitable for all purposes, and explicitly disclaims liability for any damages that may arise from your use of the artwork.

  10. This license contains our entire agreement and is governed by Illinois law.

To indicate your acceptance of this license, please complete and submit the form below. When we receive your form, we will provide you with the information you'll need to download and use the artwork you have licensed.

Name and Address

Please complete this section:

  Page Type: Personal Company

Within a few days of our receipt of the form, we will check this URL to verify that you are using the "Powered By Kumquats" logo.


I have read and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions. Yes

To submit your license request, click here:

To clear this form and start again, click here:

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