i can hardly claim an exceptional life. i've climbed no mountains and crossed no oceans. i've only been outside of the tri-state area a few times in my life, and i am starting to wear button-down shirts with increasing frequency. early yuppyfication is a fear i must face daily.

still, i like to think that i've been clubbed over the head with profound or offbeat experiences a few times in life. i've picked up odd facts and tidbits, random quotes and a few original thoughts to boot. and this being the web, a display of memetic exhibitionism is in order.

how many nuts can a probe hold?
a 1987 ford probe is capable of holding eight adult humans, two guitars, three backpacks, two large amps, a keyboard, and one drum machine. this was discovered in indiana as the members of db:sonica and wrong way charlie, along with assorted friends and relatives, decided that it would be a great time to run to the shake and steak for a snack. by the end of the drive, dawn was attempting to avoid the impaling threat of the emergency brake, danny was wedged underneath the driver's seat, deacon's sister was trying to avoid landing on anyone, and i knew jake much, much better than i had ever desired to. using the space/seats/number of people calculations derived from this research, we have determined that 47 people could fit into a chevy suburban.

our culture cannibalizes its memories
I think there's something distinctive about this generation (yes, everyone thinks that about their generation, but humor me, please)... We've been so overloaded with waves of prepackaged nostalgia for other generations (sounds of the 60's! great memories of the 70's... trivial pursuit: the 80's edition!) that we have the unique ability to perceive the present as history. We can look at something happening right at this very moment and figure out how it would fit into a mail-order collection of "great moments of the nineties." It's like eulogizing someone while they're sitting there talking to you.




[ more to come as i get time. go back home. ]