yeah, that's right. here's the part where i ramble aimlessly about music and books and concerts and movies and frivolous things. is it necessary? probably not. is it interesting? possibly. is it me? most certainly. so kick back, grab yourself a slice of papa john's pizza (extra large, pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers, olives, with the garlic sauce of heaven). find something you like... and check it out.


go ahead, scroll down, don't by shy, i don't bite.

music. what else is there?

aah, the joy of of it. 'addict' is such a dirty word; I prefer 'afficianado.' i love it, in almost any flavor. rock, electronica, folk, a bit of classical, acapella, ska... if you've got javascript, choose a group from the popup menu below. if you don't, well... there's always yahoo...


looking for free tunes? check out the kosmic free music foundation, netcentral, and iuma. all offer free songs, sound clips, and even a few CD-length realaudio broadcasts. enough to satisfy even the most demanding tightwad.


hey; sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. when i'm in the mood to make contact with people on the other side of the bits, i can often be found hanging out on various moos. virtual online worlds, lovingly hand-crafted in ascii, moos can bring together individuals from all over the world to create and communicate. lambdamoo is the grandaddy of moos, but snow is my original stomping ground. if you're in the neighborhood, look for me as wintermute.

when the bug bites, i can be also found on a number of roleplaying moos. note: these are not your father's RPGs. online roleplay is more like text-based improvisational acting than a hack'n'slash game. intricate plots and character development are prized, though i like to say that chaos and political turmoil never /hurt/. i generally avoid fantasy and stick to rp moos whose themes explore the near future, or alternate history. ie, 2036 new mexico, or 1960's new york if germany had won world war two.

i've also helped build several moos (phoenix, and the hope station theme on nexus), and am in the process of working on a third set in 21st century cuba. woohoo... for the terminally curious, there's an archive of roleplaying logs from various characters over thataway.

if you plan on checking out moos, be sure to visit the moo library for some primers on moo-culture, and get yourself a good client program. trust me; you don't want to get stuck using telnet.


myth, by bungie inc., is a favorite diversion at the moment. nothing beats the thrill of leading charging barbarians up a hill to capture the flag from an angry forest giant.

on the other hand, there's something to be said for the pleasant ebb and flow of chess, a game where there are no lightning bolts zapped at you if you get too close to the queen. my favorite place for a fix is bics, a telnet site that puts net.chess in anyone's reach. no multimedia required!



take three parts carribean paradise, two parts dystopian future, add a pinch of satire, shake thoroughly. welcome to mirrorshades. it's a story, it's a game, it's a world. learn more at the official site. it's that third