[ You'll laugh, you'll cry... you'll scream in terror! it's... The Diary of a Mongoose! ]

melodrama: it's the key to any successful web page. or maybe not. in any case, here's my bag o' links and content and graphics and other stuff that you may or may not find interesting.

in answer to the inevitable question, 'mongoose' is a nickname. as in, 'jeff dances like a mongoose on speed.' no one's sure whether i called it or someone else dubbed me, but in the summer of '98 a friend declared that it was, indeed, a true and accurate description. i figure there can be worse nicknames.

"just as long as no one calls me piggy..."

9/30/98 update... i've taken up kite flying. it's very very cool. nothing beats the fun of zipping a 7' delta kite 500' into the air on a windy day, and spending an hour or so wrestling it back down, as the line hums with tension.

so, you make stuff, eh?
the net is chock-full of great resources for artists and designers. clip art, free fonts, software tools, and other fun stuff can all be had if you know where to look. here's a collection of some choice links i've stumbled across.

the reading room
books, mahvelous books. my parents warped me when i was but a wee lad by handing me a book to keep me busy; now it's more than just a hobby. it's an addiction! here lie great reads, and links to literary resources on the net.

cliche of the decade
cyberpunk -- wheeeee! some say it's dead, others say it should be. but cyberpunk is still kicking as a literary genre and a cheesy subculture schtick. find links, info, and short stories here.

giving death a wedgie
a relationship with God isn't just religion, it's an adventure. check out links to philosophy, community outreach programs, and cool faith resources. for those who like such things, random ponderings are interspersed as well.

moving pictures
i spent a good chunk of my life watching movies infrequently -- a couple a year, with a godzilla binge here and there. lately i've started taking in more flicks, and have stumbled onto some uberspiff stuff. maybe you'll like 'em too...

never eat spinach with a stranger
a random collection of stuff i've learned over the past few years. far be it from me to keep them from the world at large! if you've ever wondered how many people can fit into a ford probe, you know where to look now...

soothing the beast
or convincing it to mosh, as the case may be. take a peek into the skeery depths of my music collection, and jump to cool music sites. download free tunes, find out about obscure new groups... what more could you want?

you like me! you really like me!
well, i don't know about you. but at least they do. links and pics for the wild and wooly bunch that i call my friends. (yeah, steph. /that/ pic is here. hahaha!)

obligatory egocentric stuff
it just wouldn't be a personal web page without some sort of bio thingie. i'm not under the impression that you're here to read it, but if you wander in unawares i'll try to make it interesting.

just in case you cared, you're visitor number to my page.
how do ya like them apples, eh?